Expand the Horizons of Biological Research with Temporal CytometryTM

Tackle yet unanswered questions in biology with Temporal Cytometry—a cutting-edge technology that empowers temporal single-cell analysis at scale with unmatched precision.

Collect high-throughput single-cell temporal data

Transform cellular dynamics into structured datasets.

Derive actionable insights with advanced analytics tools

Bridge the Gap between Scale and Dynamics in Cellular Analysis

TeraCyte combines the high-throughput capabilities of flow cytometry with the morphological and temporal resolution of live-cell microscopy, setting a new benchmark in cellular analysis.

Unmatched Data Integrity & Reproducibility

Generate high-throughput, robust temporal cytometry datasets. Innovative silicon chip technology delivers unmatched standards of reproducibility and reliability.

Zoom in & Out with Comprehensive Data Sets

Conduct precise, quantitative analysis
of individual cells and broad population dynamics, integrating hundreds of parameters for millions of cells into a unified, extensive dataset.

Advanced Analytics Tools

Utiles our extensive array of analytics tools to derive profound insights from complex datasets. TeraCyte opens new research avenues in bio-production, clinical research, personalized medicine, and beyond

Empowering Researchers to Ask Bolder Questions

TeraCyte doesn't just provide data; it offers a new lens for exploring and comprehending the complexities of cellular biology, empowering researchers to ask pivotal questions about cell behavior and population dynamics.

Can we predict cellular response to treatments?

How do subtle variations in cellular environments influence signaling pathways?

Can we decode the signals that trigger immune cell activation?

What questions will you explore with 
TeraCyte’s cutting-edge technology?

Get in touch today


Hear from scientists, researchers, and industry leaders.

"TeraCyte has developed unique, high throughput, single cell analysis technology, important in industry, medicine, and research.  Applications in industry are underway, impactful across the entire range from drug development to production.

Noble Laureate                                     Roger D. Kornberg

Noble Laureate                                     Roger D. Kornberg

TeraCyte Advisor

Professor - Stanford Medical School

“TeraCyte’s solution will enable accurate, quantitative computational models that allow one to predict how cells will respond to novel drugs and other perturbations”

Michael B. Elowitz

Michael B. Elowitz

TeraCyte Advisor and Collaborator

CALTECH Professor of Biology, Bioengineering and Applied Physics, Bren Scholar; Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute One of the founders of Synthetic Biology

“With TeraCyte you can follow each cell individually. We are cooperating with them to tackle a scientific question that currently only their system will be able to answer”

Taken from "The Marker" article
Avidor Shulman, Ph.D,

Avidor Shulman, Ph.D,

TeraCyte Collaborator

Biond Biologics LTD. Biond’s CTO since its inception.Previously Senior Director of Protein Chemistry at Protalix Biotherapeutics (NASDAQ: PLX)

“TeraCyte ability to collect high throughput dynamical data at the single cell level will revolutionize our quantitative understanding of information processing in cells, leading to new approaches for personalized diagnostic and treatment.

Galit Lahav

Galit Lahav

TeraCyte Advisor and Collaborator

Department Chair Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School

TeraCyte has developed unique, high throughput, single cell analysis technology, important in industry, medicine, and research.  Applications in industry are underway, impactful across the entire range from drug development to production.

Noble Luariate                                     Roger D. Kornberg

Noble Luariate                                     Roger D. Kornberg

TeraCyte Advisor

Professor - Stanford Medical School

“TeraCyte’s solution will enable accurate, quantitative computational models that allow one to predict how cells will respond to novel drugs and other perturbations”

Michael B. Elowitz

Michael B. Elowitz

TeraCyte Advisor and Collaborator

CALTECH Professor of Biology, Bioengineering and Applied Physics, Bren Scholar; Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute One of the founders of Synthetic Biology

“With TeraCyte you can follow each cell individually. We are cooperating with them to tackle a scientific question that currently only their system will be able to answer”

Taken from "The Marker" article
Avidor Shulman, Ph.D,

Avidor Shulman, Ph.D,

TeraCyte Collaborator

Biond Biologics LTD.
Biond’s CTO since its inception.
Previously Senior Director of Protein Chemistry at Protalix Biotherapeutics (NASDAQ: PLX)

“TeraCyte ability to collect high throughput dynamical data at the single cell level will revolutionize our quantitative understanding of information processing in cells, leading to new approaches for personalized diagnostic and treatment.”

Galit Lahav

Galit Lahav

TeraCyte Advisor and Collaborator

Department Chair Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School

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Explore Potential Applications

With TeraCyte, the limitation isn't the data—it's the breadth of your imagination. Unlock new perspectives, new possibilities, and the chance to redefine what's known about cellular dynamics in your field.

Biological Research

Advance fundamental research by decoding complex cellular mechaniСМС and interactions, incorporating the temporal dimension to fully understand dynamic biological processes.

Bio-Production & Foodtech

Monitor and predict cell line performance in real-time, ensuring consistent yield and overcoming the challenges of cell line stability in 

Drug Development

Identify mechaniСМС of action of novel compounds and detect escape variants in cell populations, enhancing treatment efficacy and addressing resistance.

TeraCyte Temporal Cytometry Platform

End-to-End Solution for Temporal Cytometry Research. Capture and analyze cytometry data at scale with TeraCyte, ensuring the reproducibility and reliability of your data.


TeraCyte Chip

A disposable chip unit incorporates a high-precision silicon chip, enabling precise analysis of millions of cells. The chip is housed in a perfusion chamber with a microfluidic system, allowing for precise control over the environment.


Temporal Cytometer

An instrument for unparalleled temporal cytometry imaging and precise data capture.


Robust Data Processing

Efficiently transform vast quantities of time-lapse images into high-integrity, normalized, and standardized data sets.


Data Repository

Store, share, and analyze temporal cytometry data in a customized environment.


Comprehensive Analytics Toolkit

Utilize a comprehensive suite of advanced analytical tools to extract profound insights from temporal cytometry data.

Ready to redefine what's possible with Teracyte?

Get in touch today